Thesis defenses Abigail Pickard’s thesis defense – Monday, October 25, 2021 at 2:30 pm – Institut Paul Bocuse – Château du Vivier – Ecully – Salle Laboratoire des Services
Seminars LEAD Seminar, Manon Ansart, Tuesday 19 October 2021 – 10 :00 – Room 111 – I3M building, Dijon, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté
Thesis defenses Sébastien Laurent’s thesis defense – Wednesday, June 23rd 2021 – Bron – Université Gustave Eiffel
Thesis defenses homas Jacquet’s thesis defense – Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 14:00 – Dijon, UFR STAPS
Thesis defenses Defense of the Habilitation to Supervise Research (HDR) of James SHMIDT – Friday October 4, 2019 at 9:30 am – Dijon, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (MSH), Thesis room
Events 80 years CNRS – Saturday 23 November 2019, “Opéra scientifico-rock in three acts”
Events The CNRS celebrates its 80th anniversary – LEAD Conferences 23-24 November + Photo exhibitions until 18 December 2019
Seminars LEAD seminars, Friday 4 October 201, Dijon, MSH, Amphithéâtre
Seminars LEAD seminars, Friday 21 June 2019, Dijon, Pôle AAFE, Amphithéâtre Eicher
Events 4th day of scientific culture, April 2, 2019
Seminars LEAD Study Day – Friday 29 March at 09:00 – Dijon, PEG, Amphithéâtre
Seminars LEAD Study Day – Friday 9 November 2018 at 09:00 – Dijon, Pôle AAFE, Amphithéâtre Eicher