
Le traitement des verbes d’action et mentaux dans les phrases avec proposition relative : réversibilité et complexité syntaxique
A model based on reaction-diffusion equations for the growth of filamentous fungi on solid substrate
Lo sviluppo sensomotorio del lattante
La capacité d’imitation précoce chez le nourrisson
Approche de l’approximation chez l’enfant. La compréhension de l’adverbe « presque » entre 4 et 10 ans
High-level perception, representation, and analogy: A critique of artificial intelligence methodology
Conscious knowledge and changes in performance in sequence learning: Evidence against dissociation
A reinterpretation of some earlier evidence for abstractiveness of implicitly acquired knowledge
Applications of the star-products method to the angular momentum quantization
Direction of hyphal growth: a relevant parameter of the development of filamentous fungi.
Efects of the kinetics of osmotic pressure variation on yeasts viability
Visualization of the power laser modes – Validation of the method