
Analyse de l’activité de transmission écrite au cours de relèves de poste à l’hôpital : Evaluation ergonomique d’un nouveau format d’écriture
Importa-se de Repetir? Anàlise da actividade de transmissaõ escrita durante as passagens de turno no hospital: avaliação ergonomica do uso de um novo formato de escrita
Eye tracking as a basis for improving animation design
Animation is not worth ten thousand words
Young learners’control of technical animations
Analogy-making in children: the importance of processing constraints
BAF: A Bio-Inspired Agent Framework for distibuted pervasive applications
The Perplexus Programming Framework Combinning Bio-Inspiration and Agent-Oriented Programming for the simulation of large scale complex ystems
Distributed Pervasive Phylogenetic application using a Bio-inspired Agent Framework
Perplexus Project Modeling Framework
Perplexus: a simulation environment applied to large scale spiking neural networks
How do articulatory rehearsal and attentional refreshing interact with phonological similarity in the complex span paradigm?