
Age-Related Characteristics of the Formation of Neurophysiological Mechanisms of the Phonemic, Grammatical, and Semantic Linguistic Levels
Interregional brain biopotentials interaction in speech processing on different language levels
Similarities and distinctions in structure of spatial interaction cortex biopotentials during speech processes in different language levels
Systemic reorganization of spatiotemporal structure of bioelectrical cerebral activity in speech processes on different language levels
Systemic Organization Features of Regional Brain Biopotentials Interaction in Children and Adults During Speech Analysis
Conditions de possibilité d’une forme perçue
Aspects acoustique et sensoriel du bruit
Effect of a simple experimental control: the Recall Constraint in Sternberg’s Memory Scanning Task
Initialiser l’acquisition précoce du langage
Préservation des apprentissages implicites en musique dans le vieillissement normal et la maladie d’Alzheimer
How mental model are built
Supporting relational processing in complex animated diagrams