
Further investigation of harmonic priming in long contexts using musical timbre as surface marker to control for temporal effects
The influence of age of acquisition in word reading and other tasks: A never ending story?
Psycholinguistic norms for action photographs in French and their relationships with spoken and written latencies
Dénomination par écrit de paires d’images : La question de la « dépendance »
A prototype analysis of the French category “emotion”
French normative data and naming times for action pictures
L’apprentissage de concepts chez l’enfant : facteurs cognitifs, structure des catégories et théories naïves
The role of bottom-up processing in perceptual categorization by 3-to 4-month-old infants: Simulations and data
Understanding bilingual memory: Models and data
All cases of word production are not created equal: Reply to Costa and Santesteban
Self-refreshing memory in artificial neural networks: Learning temporal sequences without catastrophic forgetting
ADAPT: A developmental, asemantic, and procedural model for transcoding from verbal to arabic numerals