
Auditory training improves auditory performance in cochlear implanted children
Discrimination of tonal and atonal music in congenital amusia: The advantage of implicit tasks
Effects of Listening to Music versus Environmental Sounds in Passive and Active Situations on Levels of Pain and Fatigue in Fibromyalgia
Mobile video-to-audio transducer and motion detection for sensory substitution
Written object naming, spelling to dictation and immediate copying: Different tasks, different pathways?
Does the thought of death contribute to the memory benefit of encoding with a survival scenario?
Self as a moderator of age-related deficit on recollection
Sensory experience ratings (SERs) for 1,659 French words: Relationships with other psycholinguistic variables and visual word recognition
Analogical reasoning and aging: The processing speed and inhibition hypothesis
How does Stroop interference change with practice? A reappraisal from the musical Stroop paradigm
Executive functions in men and postmenopausal women
Norms and reading times for acronyms in French