
A 10 000 fps CMOS sensor with massively parallel image processing
Simple imaging system to measure velocity and improve the quality of fertilizer spreading in agriculture
Design of a real-time face detection parallel architecture using high-level synthesis
An SIMD programmable vision chip with high-speed focal plane image processing
KAMA: A temperature-driven model of mate choice using dynamic partner representations
A new manifesto for child development research
Relational priming is to analogy-making as one-ball juggling is to seven-ball juggling
Asymmetric categorization in the sequential auditory domain
Variations méthodologiques dans une tâche de Temps de Réaction Sériel : Quel est l’impact sur l’apprentissage ?
gSRT-Soft: A generic software application and some methodological guidelines to investigate implicit learning through visual-motor sequential tasks
An attention-based associative account of adjacent and nonadjacent dependency learning
A role for backward transitional probabilities in word segmentation?