
Stimulus and response conflict from a second language: Stroop interference in weakly-bilingual and recently-trained languages
Incidental learning of simple stimulus-response associations: A review of colour-word contingency learning research
Attachment representation among school-age children with intellectual disability
Qu’est-ce que l’apprentissage implicite ?
Physical activity and music to counteract mental fatigue
Cross-modal aftereffects of visuo-manual prism adaptation: Transfer to auditory divided attention in healthy subjects
Review on eye-hand span in sight-reading of music
Does food play a prominent role in visual attention to disgusting stimuli?
“Touch me if you can!”: Individual differences in disease avoidance and social touch
Norms in French for 209 images of the “food-pics” image database
Predicting the progression of mild cognitive impairment using machine learning: A systematic, quantitative and critical review
Changes in the use of psychotropic drugs during the course of Alzheimer’s disease: A large‐scale longitudinal study of French medical records