
La transmission des compétences : ergonomie des informations et productions explicatives écrites pour les apprentissages au cours de l’activité de travail
Modelling of Continuous pH-stat stirred tank reactor with Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis bv. diacetylactis immobilized in calcium alginate fel beads
Convergence of a series of well-stirred reactors to a plug-flow reactor
Is there an implict level of representation?
The dissociation of explicit and implicit memory in depressed-patients
Ventilatory conditioning by self-stimulation in rats: A pilot study
Category learning of schematic faces in children: Relationships between attribute knowledge and modes of processing
Defining the knowledge units of a synthetic language: Comment on Vokey and Brooks (1992)
What about unconscious processing during the test?
Is there an implict level of representation?
Sensorimotor development in cerebral-palsied infants assessed with the Uzgiris-Hunt scales
Development of the start-rotation principle in circle production