
Outdoor navigation assistive system based on robust and real-time visual–auditory substitution approach
uB-VisioGeoloc: An image sequences datasetof pedestrian navigation including geolocalised-inertial information and spatial sound rendering of the urban environment’s obstacles
How children generalize novel nouns: An eye-tracking analysis of their generalization strategies
Markers of musical expertise in a sight-reading task: An eye-tracking study
A processing advantage in favor of animate entities in incidental word learning in young children
Vertical prism adaptation, but not sound presentation, modulates the visuospatial representation: A manual line-bisection study
Évaluation de la fluence en lecture : Au- delà du nombre de mots correctement lus par minute
Aftereffects of visuomanual prism adaptation in auditory modality: Review and perspectives
Is conflict adaptation adaptive? An introduction to conflict monitoring theory and the ecological problems it faces
Incidental learning in music reading: The music contingency learning task
Développement lexical dans le cadre d’une déficience intellectuelle : le point sur la question
Cognitive mechanisms underlying free recall in episodic memory performance across the lifespan: Testing the control/representation model