The role of hemispheric interaction in the process of mistakes detection in an auditory presented verbal material (in russian)

Verbal material with two kinds of mistakes – grammatical or semantic – was auditory presented to 18 subjects (25 years old average). The analysis of the brain biopotentials spatial organization during the perception of the material revealed changes in distant EEG relations, which were both similar as well as specific to the kind of mistakes. In both cases interhemispheric biopotential relations increased reliably compare to the background level. At the same time almost total absence of intrahemispheric changes of EEG correlations were observed. The increase of contralateral interactions was particularly characteristic for the activity of Broca and Vernicke zones and the middle temporal zone of right hemisphere. Distant EEG relations of Broca zone increased more significantly by the detection of semantic mistakes than grammar ones. Data obtained also showed that by the detection of grammar and semantic mistakes the actualization of intercentral connections occurred which were related to the functional system responsible for the detection not only verbal but any other stimuli.

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