Alternative strategies in processing 3D objects diagrams: static, animated and interactive presentation of a mental rotation test in a cued retrospective study

Abstract. Cognitive processing of 3D object is involved in the use of diagrams by designers and learners. Spatial abilities engaged in reasoning with diagrams have been assessed using tests supposed to require mental rotation (cube figures of the Vandenberg & Kruse test). People are shown a standard figure on the left and 4 items on the right. Their task is to decide which of the 4 objects on the right has the same shape as the object on the left. Previous research (Hegarty, 2010) described alternative strategies: Mental rotation is not always used; analytical strategies can be used instead. In this study, we compared three groups of participants in three external formats of presentation of the referent figure in the Vandenberg & Kruse test: static, animated (object rotating around its axle), interactive. During the test, participants were eye tracked. Then, immediately after the test, they were interrogated on their strategies for each item during the viewing of the replay of their own eye movement in a cued retrospective verbal protocol session. Results showed participants used varied strategies, part of them similar to those shown by Hegarty. Presentation format influenced significantly the strategy. Participants with high performance at the test used mainly mental rotation and analytical strategies. Participants with lower performance tended to use more analytical strategies than mental rotation.

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