Mixed camera viewpoints improve learning medical hand procedure from video in nurse training?

Recent research has shown that camera viewpoints can influence how hand procedures are learnt from
videos. However, studies have generally investigated videos showing only single viewpoints, for example, faceto-face
or over-the-shoulder. Single views may not be appropriate for learning complex medical procedures
involving spatial viewpoint changes. The goal of the present study was to investigate the effect of mixed camera
viewpoints on learning a complex medical hand procedure from a video. Using a pretest-posttest paradigm, 43
students at a French nursing school had to learn a complex hand procedure from a video showing an expert nurse
teacher inserting an indwelling catheter in a closed system using a simulation mannequin. Three video conditions
were compared, delivering the same information in the same amount of time, from different viewpoints: (i) faceto-face
only (FtF), (ii) over-the-shoulder only (OtS), and (iii) alternating face-to-face and over-the-shoulder
views for each step of the procedure (MixW). The students were randomly assigned (N=10-11) to one of four
groups: the three experimental viewing conditions (FtF, OtS, MixW) and a control condition without video. Preand
post-tests consisted of performing the hand procedure in a fully equipped full-scale simulation room. Results
showed that learners in the mixed viewpoint (MixW) group performed better than the other groups (FtF, OtS,
and control condition). Learners in the FtF and OtS groups outperformed those in the control group.

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