
Ergonomie et Formation : Approche d’ergonomie cognitive des apprentissages professionnels
Characterization of a mixing device adapted to the kinetics of a specific enzyme: the horse liver alcohol deshydrogenase model
L’architecture du timbre chez Varèse: la médiation de l’acoustique pour produire du son organisé
Metamemory accuracy In Alzheimer’s disease and in Frontotemporal lobe dementia
The self-organizing consciousness
The formation of structurally relevant units in artificial grammar learning
Implicit motor learning through observational training in adults and children
La dénomination écrite de mots à partir d’images
The determinants of spoken and written picture naming latencies
Frequency effects in the written and spoken production of homophonic picture names
Do identical priming and word frequency truly interact in picture naming when a neutral baseline is used?
Dissociations between categorization and similarity judgments as a result of learning feature distributions