Characterisation of a High Spatial Resolution SPECT Dedicated to Small Animal Imaging

The interest of using small animal imaging has been primarily due to recent advances in genetics with the need to perform longitudinal in vivo studies on mice or rats. Recent works have shown that Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) imaging of small animals can provide high spatial resolution. In our institute, we are developing A Multi modality Imaging System for Small Animal (AMISSA) combining X-ray, SPECT and PET devices. In this paper, we focus on the SPECT component. It is based on four cameras arranged around the animal in ring geometry. Each camera consists of 5 independent detector modules arranged on a 1/4-circle pointed to a 0.5mm pinhole aperture. Each module is built with a 8×8 scintillator arrays of 2.3×2.3x28mm3 YAP:Ce pixels optically isolated and glued to a 8×8 multianode PMT connected to a dedicated electronics. The data are sent to a PC through a USB port. The spatial resolution obtained after a dedicated cone beam reconstruction is 1.3mm3. The system energy resolution is 30% at 140keV. The performances and the first experimental results will be presented.

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