
Dissociation between Categorization and Similarity Judgments
Determination of Cells Water Membrane permeability: Unexpected High Osmotic Permeability of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Biomechanical and perceptual determinants of drawing angles
Protocole standardisé d’évaluation des troubles gestuels
Perception of musical tension in short chord sequences: The influence of harmonic function, sensory dissonance, horizontal motion, and musical training
Context effects on melody recognition: A dynamic interpretation
Does formal musical structure affect perception of musical expressiveness?
From chicken squawking to cognition: Levels of description and the computational approach in psychology
Implicit and explicit associative memory in patients with schizophrenia
Mood congruence effect in explicit and implicit memory tasks: A comparison between depressed patients, schizophrenic patients and controls
Ventilatory responses to imagined exercise
L’étude en temps réel de la production du langage écrit, pourquoi et comment