
Embryo Form Project: An original technique for the three-dimensional reconstruction of human embryo morphology
Measuring Aksak rhythm and synchronization in Transylvanian village music by using motion capture
Introduction to The Neurosciences and Music V: Cognitive Stimulation and Rehabilitation
The feeling of familiarity for music in patients with a unilateral temporal lobe lesion: A gating study
Effects of listening to music versus environmental sounds in passive and active situations on levels of pain and fatigue in fibromyalgia
How does moving along to music influence its later recognition?
Response: A commentary on: “Neural overlap in processing music and speech”
Play along: effects of music and social interaction on word learning
Expressive suppression and enhancement during music-elicited emotions in younger and older adults
Production de mots (psycholinguistique)
Entraîner les compétences émotionnelles à l’école.
Differences in the predictors of reading comprehension in first graders from low socio-economic status families with either good or poor decoding skills.