
Determinants of naming latencies, object comprehension times and new norms for the Russian standardized set of the colorized version of the Snodgrass and Vanderwart pictures
Does frequency trajectory influence word identification? A cross-task comparison
“With a little help from my friends”: Orthographic influences in spoken word recognition
Reading comprehension in a large cohort of French first graders from low socio-economic status families: A 7-month longitudinal study.
Tactile picture recognition by early blind children: The effect of illustration technique
A regression-based method for the prediction of the indecisiveness degree through eye movement patterns
Sur support électronique, ça change tout ?
Support vector machines for spike pattern classification with a leaky integrate-and-fire neuron
Artificial grammar learning in children: Abstraction of rules or sensitivity to perceptual features?
Recollection of negative information in posttraumatic stress disorder
La psychologie et l’école : regards sur la formation des enseignants
How do viewers spontaneously segment animated diagrams of mechanical and biological subject matter?