
Age-of-acquisition and word frequency in the lexical decision task: Further evidence from the French language
Age of acquisition and word frequency in written picture naming
Do phonological codes constrain the selection of orthographic codes in written picture naming?
Functional identification of constraints on feature creation – Response
Approches région et bayésienne pour la restauration d’images dégradées par la turbulence atmosphérique
Extraction des joints de grains par ondelettes directionnelles et morphologie mathématique : Application à l’évaluation de l’endommagement par fluage
Approximation of the Karhunen-Loeve transformation and its application to colour images
Access control: Adaptation and real-time implantation of a face recognition method
Why co-occurrence information alone is not sufficient to answer subcognitive questions
Implicit learning out of the lab: The case of orthographic regularities
De la psychologie expérimentale à la psychologie cognitive
La production verbale écrite : évidences en faveur d’une (relative) autonomie de l’écrit