Article de Journal

Échelle multi-dimensionnelle de fluence : nouvel outil d’évaluation de la fluence en lecture prenant en compte la prosodie, étalonné du CE1 à la 5e
Impact of interface design on drivers’ behavior in partially automated cars: An on-road study.
Indicating the limits of partially automated vehicles with drivers’ peripheral vision.
Strength or Nausea? Children’s Reasoning About the Health Consequences of Food Consumption
Autobiographical memory and social identity in autism: Preliminary results of social positioning and cognitive intervention
The effect of MP on music memorization
Comprehension performances of explanatory texts in French language according to their characteristics: Evidence for 1229 children from 2nd to 9th grade
Lire sur des documents numériques à l’école : avantages et inconvénients
Does Sound Influence Perceived Duration of Visual Motion?
Road safety communication effectiveness: The role of emotion and information in motorists’ ability to detect vulnerable road users
Event-Based Trajectory Prediction Using Spiking Neural Networks
Automatic Evaluation of Histological Prognostic Factors Using Two Consecutive Convolutional Neural Networks on Kidney Samples