Article de Journal

Episodic intertrial learning of younger and older participants: Effects of word frequency
About the unidirectionality of interference: Insight from the musical Stroop effect
Verbal learning in Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment: fine-grained acquisition and short-delay consolidation performance and neural correlates.
Effects of Listening to Music versus Environmental Sounds in Passive and Active Situations on Levels of Pain and Fatigue in Fibromyalgia
Cueing animations: Dynamic signaling aids information extraction and comprehension
How explicit and implicit test instructions affect performance in an implicit learning task
Function words constrain on-line recognition of verbs and nouns in French 18-month-olds
Is consciousness a passive recipient of the end-product of sophisticated unconscious computations?
Dissociation mémoire de travail – vitesse de traitement chez les enfants intellectuellement précoces au travers de deux études de cas
Children with intellectual disabilities may be impaired in encoding and recollecting incidental information
Impact of physical activity on executive functions in aging: A selective effect on inhibition among old adults
Fonctionnement de la mémoire de travail chez des enfants présentant des difficultés scolaires