Article de Journal

Benefits of sensecam review on neuropsychological test performance
Episodic intertrial learning of younger and older participants: Effects of word frequency
Verbal learning in Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment: fine-grained acquisition and short-delay consolidation performance and neural correlates.
How explicit and implicit test instructions affect performance in an implicit learning task
Cueing animations: Dynamic signaling aids information extraction and comprehension
Children with intellectual disabilities may be impaired in encoding and recollecting incidental information
Normes d’associations verbales pour 520 mots concrets et étude de leurs relations avec d’autres variables psycholinguistiques
Verbal definitions of familiar objects in blind children reflect their peculiar perceptual experience
Self-reference effect and autonoetic consciousness in Alzheimer’s disease: Evidence for a persistent affective self in dementia patients
Evidence for early abstract representations of word order: An eye-tracking study
How age, culture and manual dominance affect directionality in drawing side view objects.
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