Article de Journal

Abstraction of covariation in category learning: A critical note on K. Richardson’s studies
Abstraction of covariations in incidental learning and covariation bias
A critical reappraisal of the evidence for unconscious abstraction of deterministic rules in complex experimental situations
Synthetic grammar learning: Implicit rule abstraction or explicit fragmentary knowledge
Implicit acquisition of abstract knowledge about artificial grammar: Some methodological and conceptual issues
Conceptual implicit memory: A developmental study
Association between conscious knowledge and performance in normal subjects: Reply to Cohen and Curran (1993) and Willigham, Greeley, and Bardone (1993)
What about unconscious processing during the test?
A reinterpretation of some earlier evidence for abstractiveness of implicitly acquired knowledge
The emergence of explicit knowledge during the early phase of learning in sequential reaction time tasks
Learning from implicit learning literature: Comment on Shea, Wulf, Whitacre, and Park (2001)
Dissociating the effects of automatic activation and explicit expectancy on reaction times in a simple associative learning task