Article de Journal

Neighborhood effects in spelling in adults
Age-of-acquisition and subjective frequency estimates for all generally known monosyllabic French words and their relation with other psycholinguistic variables
Retrieval of names in face and object naming in an interference study
Dénomination par écrit de paires d’images : La question de la « dépendance »
Faut-il préférer l’analyse de variance à l’analyse de régression dans les expériences utilisant des VI continues ?
Written spelling to dictation: Sound-to-spelling regularity affects both writing latencies and durations
Objective age-of-acquisition (AoA) norms for a set of 230 object names in French: Relationships with psycholinguistic variables, the English data from Morrison et al. (1997), and naming latencies
Determinants of lexical access in speech production: Role of word frequency and age of acquisition
The specific-word frequency effect in speech production: Evidence from Spanish and French
Psycholinguistic norms and face naming times for photographs of celebrities in French
Normes pour des clips d’actions
Age-of-acquisition effects in picture naming: Are they structural and/or semantic in nature?